My marketing team posted this visual on our IG today. It perfectly captures the essence of B2B marketing. It's a double-edged sword: businesses want to market their services to increase revenue and pay their bills, but they often lack the necessary resources or time.
They then hire a business consultancy team equipped with the resources and time, but communication breaks down because they're overwhelmed with daily operations and it becomes more hassle than none.
Businesses seek more business but get bogged down in the day- to-day struggles of what business they currently have, just managing to meet the bare minimum on their profit sheets.
Welcome to the life of an entrepreneur right? It's hard!! How can businesses break free from this cycle and work smarter, not harder? To quit dragging dead weight, all that may be needed is to add a tire-but one must be able to prioritize that need, surpassing survival mode mentality.
Where does that shift happen, where does that transition begin? If an entrepreneur is hyper focused on getting their rocks to the bank in a wagon with a square tire, how do you convince them to stop long enough to try the round one?
We always say, "The life of an entrepreneur is challenging, but marketing doesn't have to be." Yet depending on the perspective, it is.
Time and time again we see a majority of marketing efforts affected by businesses being too busy to plan, but not making ends meet. How can one change this scenario from a B2B lose-lose to a B2B win-win?
What feedback do you have on how you effectively market your business? How much time do you spend on marketing? What advice can you offer others?